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Turn-key Data Management Solution

In response to the high cost solutions in today’s Medicare ACO market, we set out to build a set of tools that provide physician led groups everything they need to manage a successful Medicare ACO at a much more cost-effective price.  The ACO Health Solutions Portal, built with the newest web based software technology, provides easy web access to both ACO administration and ACO providers.  The ability to have the ACO’s data readily available to its providers is one of the most critical steps towards building a successful program.

Beneficiary Address Lookups


Our turnkey services include access to restricted, non-public, information that is regulated by Federal and State privacy acts.  This unique feature allows your ACO to depend on ACO Health Solutions to provide you with the most up-to-date beneficiary addresses, which saves your ACO from having to go to ask practices for patient demographic extracts each quarter as your CMS attribution list changes.

Beneficiary Notifiction Letter Fulfillment


We provide our ACOs with personalized, bar-coded, notification letter services.  On a quarterly basis we take care of all your beneficiary letter needs.  Services include beneficiary address verification, notification of undeliverable addresses, notification of updated addresses, letter printing and stuffing, pre-sort bulk mail rates, and we can even process all of your returned opt-out data sharing forms.  All of this is tracked and available to the ACO with our portal solution, The Pulse.

GPRO Interface 


ACO Health Solutions helps your ACO capture quality measure data in a unique and specialized way in order to meet the strict requirements of CMS. We collect claims data information provided by CMS and organize it into a workable set of data that ACOs can analyze. In order to help your ACO collect the required information, we provide personalized audit forms organized by practice, then patient. Once the quality metric data is collected, we load it into the ACO Patient Registry. Your data is then submitted to the GPRO web interface in the required XML format.  We calculate and report quality measurement ratios to your ACO to quantify your ACO performance.



Claims Data Warehouse


Data aggregation is the most critical part of establishing a solid foundation for your ACO.  ACO Health Solutions collects claims data from CMS, processes it into functionable data, and stores it in our secure online claims warehouse. This is required before any financial or population health reporting can be done. Our secure warehouse protects patient information while delivering physicians and administartors with valuable claims data that can be readily accesses by ACOs. 

Health Management Consulting


Understanding and managing the complex requirements of CMS can be a daunting task to many ACOs.  Our leadership team supports our ACOs and helps them work through administrative and operational challenges allowing them to focus on the clinical care of their patients. From managing patient attribution to providing quality reports, we provide our ACOs with the leadership support necessary to offer higher quality care. 

Beneficiary Attribution


ACO Health Solutions collects, stores, organizes and reports on your ACO’s attributed patient list.  We manage your entire attributed patient registry, and update it quarterly with new additions and information from CMS. From managing address look ups to beneficiary notification letter fulfillment, ACO Health Solutions maintains an organized patient registry that can be viewed and updated real time by physicians, administrators and other health care 


XML Interface to CMS


The CMS XML Interface facilitates communications with the CMS Managed File Transfer System (MFT). This interface reads and writes the required XML files for delivering data sharing preferences and data requests to CMS. Once the CMS response files are received, they are processed and written to the database making the beneficiary data sharing preference decisions available to the ACO and its participating providers through the online portal, The Pulse. 

CG-CAHPS Surveys


We offer clinician and group surveys to fulfill your MSSP ACO requirements and provide essential feedback to your ACO.  Mail, electronic, and phone surveying capabilities are available to measure patient experience at both the ACO and practice level.  Results are posted to the your ACO’s portal allowing you to easily compare your ACO and practices to publicized national benchmarks. This information can be used to influence care decision making at the point of care through clinical decision support and integrating responses from patient experience and satisfaction surveys.

Quality Metrics Tracking and Reporting


Reporting is the key function that determines the overall performance of an ACO.  We offer a suite of actionable reports that help providers make smart financial, operational and clinical decisions. The population health management suite helps improve patient outcomes while reducing costs. Our real-time reporting function is available to all ACOs utilizing our GPRO tablet solution. We harbor an innovative technology that continuously collects and shares patient information with physicians and administrators, which helps provide clinical decision support backed by current medical research. 

ACO Website Creation


The MSSP regulations state that ACOs must report certain information publicly in a standardized web-based format. CMS requires information including organizational and contact information, shared savings and losses information, and results of quality measure reporting.  ACO Health Solutions can work with your ACO to create and/or maintain a functional website containing all the required information.

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