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Beneficiary Attribution Management



In order to manage your patient’s health, you need to first know who your patients are, and go through the process of qualifying them.  This includes locating their address, sending notification letters, managing opt-outs, and requesting data from CMS.  New patients are attributed quarterly; therefore this is an ongoing process that requires constant attention. These small details are often overlooked during an ACOs first few months; however, getting a jump start on the steps to receive patient data is key in overall savings and enhancing patient’s healthcare.  At ACO Health Solutions, we handle the ongoing “grunt work” by offering the following services: 



Beneficiary Address Lookups


Our turn-key services include access to restricted, non-public, information that is regulated by Federal and State privacy acts.  This unique feature allows your ACO to depend on ACO Health Solutions to provide you with the most up-to-date beneficiary addresses, which saves your ACO from having to go to ask practices for patient demographic extracts each quarter as your CMS attribution list changes.

Beneficiary Notification Letter Fulfillment


We provide our ACOs with personalized, bar-coded, notification letter services.  On a quarterly basis we take care of all your beneficiary letter needs.  Services include beneficiary address verification, notification of undeliverable addresses, notification of updated addresses, letter printing and stuffing, pre-sort bulk mail rates, and we can even process all of your returned opt-out data sharing forms.  All of this is tracked and available to the ACO with our portal solution, The Pulse.

Beneficiary Attribution


ACO Health Solutions collects, stores, organizes and reports on your ACO’s attributed patient list.  We manage your entire attributed patient registry, and update it quarterly with new additions and information from CMS through XML. This interface reads and writes the required XML files for delivering data sharing preferences and data requests to CMSFrom managing address look ups to beneficiary notification letter fulfillment, ACO Health Solutions maintains an organized patient registry that can be viewed and updated real time by physicians, administrators and other health care 


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