ACO Data Management Solutions
ACO Health Solutions has developed a unique set of cost effective solutions geared towards simplifying the CMS requirements allowing Accountable Care Organizations to focus on managing and enhancing patient care. Our innovative solution also offers groups taking part in the Bundled Payment Initiative with value added services that help maximize performance.

Qualified Registry for MIPS
CMS WI/GPRO Reporting
Quality Registry
Data Analytics Platform
Physician Scorecards
Risk Adjustment Factor (RAF)
Preferred Network Module
Claims Experience Explorer
Chronic Care Mgt. Module
Patient Attribution Mgt.
EMR, HIE & Lab Integration
Bundled Payment
Email, Address & Phone Discovery
API Data Exchange w/CMS
CMS Payment Program Consulting
In response to the high cost solutions in today’s Medicare ACO market, we set out to build a set of tools that provide physician led groups the essentials to manage a successful Medicare ACO at a much more cost-effective price. The ACO Health Solutions Portal, built with the newest web based software technology, provides easy web access to both ACO administration and ACO providers. The ability to have the ACO’s data readily available to its providers is one of the most critical steps towards building a successful program.
Helping Physicians Helping Hospitals Helping Patients